Thursday, February 26, 2009

He's Japanese, is that okay?

Today I met a woman who wants to hook me up with a guy. He looks like Keanu Reeves she says. So he's part Japanese, is that okay?

Let's back up. I've never met this woman before. Yet within an hour of meeting her, she asks me if I'm dating anyone. I'm sorry, do I look lonely? Do I look like I'm constantly looking for Mr. Right? I sure hope not. However, this lady seemed to think so. She understood I was having a hard time, just out of college, to find someone. So she has the man for me: A Mr. Reeves look-a-like. Fantastic.

And no, lady, the fact that he's part Japanese doesn't bother me. However, having some stranger hook me up with him, does.

That's So Shway

I renewed my driver's license and my photo looks good. That's pretty shway.

PS. I'm being a lazy blogger today, can you tell?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

But what about my bookmarks?

There's always some new technology out there threatening to kill my two loves: ink and paper.
We already know the Internet is killing my newspapers, but today I watched Jon Stewart and read the NY Times about this new thing called Kindle, which is threatening to kill my books.
So Kindle is talked about all over and I'm probably behind the times, but the new Kindle 2 just came out, so we'll just pretend I'm talking about the new version. The new version will read aloud to you. Woo hoo. It's a nifty idea, really, to have all your books on one thing that is easy to read and has a long battery life.
I tend to over pack when I travel. I bring too many jeans. I pack too many shoes. I even take along too many books. So I suppose something like the Kindle would help me. I can read whatever I feel like on a thing that's only a few ounces instead of packing several books that can weigh down a bag.
Of course, every article I've read on it asks, "If things like the Kindle make it big, is this going to end good 'ol fashioned books?" I think a more important question is, what about all the fun bookmarks I've collected over the years? If we start using this new technology, I might have to throw out my bookmarks. You probably think that's no big deal, but pssh. You don't know me. I never use bookmarks, it's true. But it's the idea of having some special, pretty thing to hold my place. True, I use pencils or random scraps of paper, but I like my bookmarks. They scatter over my bookshelf saying, "I'm here if you need me."
If we use things like Kindle instead, you can still use that abandoned bookshelf for nick-nacks. And books you bought before technology can make nice kindle for the fire. However, bookmarks leftover...what do you use that for? What now, people, what now?

That's So Shway

I love the movie Hot Rod, with Andy Samberg. Andy is on SNL and teamed up with these other geniuses to make They make fun of rap songs (look for "I'm on a Boat") or things like MTV reality shows with 3D affects. If you're bored, just check out the site. I guarantee it's good for some giggles if you're into that kind of humor.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday blues

Some days I'm just not that creative. And one of those days is today.
I've got to admit that I think I have the Monday blues. Or I'm just tired. Either way, that forces me to be positive. Or to have a pity party. I'll go with thinking positively. So here goes:

-I get to meet a famous chef tonight. She has worked with Emeril. Maybe I'll learn some nifty cooking tips.
-My birthday is in a week. I get to celebrate with friends. A lady never reveals her age, so keep guessing, buddy.
-My friend is puking all day. I am not. That would have really made for a disgusting Monday.
-There are only two nights until another new LOST episode. That show breaks up my week and keeps me happy.
-I have a friend who performs improv. I saw him perform last night. That said, I got to laugh a lot. I love laughing. Who doesn't, though?
-I got Girl Scout Thin Mints yesterday. Who can be said when you have a whole box of scrumptious comfort food.

Okay, that's enough.

That's So Shway

Sometimes what you need is a random quote to brighten the day. So here's Colbert brightening my day with this...

"Let's agree to disagree with anybody who disagrees with me."

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Power of Craig

The best part of my job is I get to read the news. I read lots and lots of newspapers reporting lots of so-called news. Twitter makes it convenient, as it provides top newspaper headlines that grab my attention.
One of today's tweets from CCN involved Craig's list and a kidney. Now I've heard of people using Craig's List to meet new lovers, to find roommates, to find jobs or find a couch. But never had I heard of someone using it to find a kidney. However, that is exactly what these girls did for their father who was in desperate need of a kidney. The awesome part is the dad did get a kidney thanks to Craig. Who knew?
It's making me wonder how else I could use Craig. Like, if I asked for a lunch, could someone provide?

Speaking of lunch, I didn't get one today. So I resorted to the vending machine. The vending machine is funny, because it provides these green stickers that say what is a "healthy" choice. Now, I know healthy, and there was nothing that healthy in there. In fact, I decided to find out what Weight Watchers thought of my snack, so I took my "healthy" choice bag of chips made with "real vegetables" (as opposed to fake veggies?) and asked Weight Watchers how many points these chips were going to cost me. Keep in mind that for my size and weight, I should technically only have 19 points in a day. A snack like this should be only 2 points. My bag of healthy chips? 5 points. Pssh. I ought to sue that vending machine.

That's So Shway

I love people that spend time to blog about ridiculous things. And that's what this girl did. She blogged about the most popular photos guy put up of themselves on Facebook. It's genius. Check it out:

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I thought you sounded hollow

So Dayton is empty. Deserted. Hollow.
Or, at least, that's what Forbes wants us to believe. It states, "Cities like Detroit and Dayton are casualties of America's lengthy industrial decline." I suppose that means things like the nearby GM plant closing.
When I was interning for a different paper, I was one of the people that had to to do the "Word on the Street" type piece and ask people their reaction on the plant closing. I went to one lady who had no clue about what was going to happen. She was in shock. I was in shock that she was so upset...until I realized that I had just broken the news that her husband would soon be out of a job. I felt terrible.
I think Forbes should feel terrible, too. I don't think it is as bad as they claim. I mean, I don't know much, but I was just talking to a WSU professor this morning who believes all we need is a positive spirit like he does and we can turn this city around in no time.
Or maybe he was just full of himself.

That's So Shway
There's a new show on Comedy Central called Important Things with Demetri Martin. I think you should check it out. Demetri has a different kind of humor, but does a good job making an entire 30 min. show out of it. It's on at 10:30 EST after South Park. You can watch it and tell me what you think.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sorry, Jane

Hi Jane,

Did you hear the news? One of your classics is being turned into a zombie novel. You think that's bad? It's also being turned into a movie. It's called Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

I'll be the first to admit that I have read some of your novels and loved them. But I also got tired of some of them too. I blame the terrible professor who turned a seminar on you into the least interesting class ever. Anyways, the point is, I don't care how boring I thought some of your books was, zombies do not belong in them.

Please come back from the dead and swat these people on the behind.


That's So Shway

I will now be adding a segment to the end of my blogs called "That's So Shway". Shway is a word my friend uses in place of "cool", "awesome", etc. I'm not sure if that is how she spells it. But none the less, I like how it sounds.

Today, I found a Twitter site that is from the first person perspective of an orange. Its got humor, drama and more. It's so shway. Check it out:

Monday, February 16, 2009

That's My Job

Being a newsroom, it makes sense that we'd have a television on to keep up with the news. However, after thirty minutes of news at noon, my group immediately turns to other stations. Needless to say, watching shows and talking about shows is how we pass the time at work.

The Young and the Restless

After the noon news, my group immediately turns to the Young and the Restless. I'm not sure what's really going on. But apparently a guy named Victor has been on since my dad watched it in college. And there's an actor on the show that used to be on Gilmore Girls. One time the station was having issues and we couldn't watch the show. My group almost had a meltdown.

What is this LOST show?

Every Thursday morning my boss and I discuss LOST. Of course, it being a complicated show, we also talk about it almost every other day too. Finally, one of the other editors asked, "What is this show you're always talking about?" I suppose it's probably annoying some people by now.

The Bonnie Hunt Show

One time someone that used to work for us was on The Bonnie Hunt Show. We didn't even know Bonnie had a show. The first time we saw it we decided it wasn't very good. So we turned it on the next day to critique it again. Then we turned it on again the following day as a joke. You get the idea. Now we're hooked and have decided Bonnie has made her show much better and we can't get enough of it. We really like the shows when the "Just Ask Alice" segment is on. Alice is Bonnie's mom. And the fact that they use a web cam to talk to each other is humorous.