Sunday, January 24, 2010

Blog It Out

I recently asked a friend if she had been journaling much lately. This isn't an odd question, because I know she used to journal rather frequently. She responded she had not. I found this interesting because I have also been abstaining from journaling recently. For those of you who do not know me well, I have kept a journal (or diary, if you want to call it that) since I was 12-years-old. It's an outlet I need to express myself, to make sense of myself, and it's also nifty when I have to go back to keep track of certain events in my life. So it's odd for me to not want to write in my journal.
Today I was talking to a different friend and asking, "Why is it that I can't write? Why don't I journal when I'm going through so much right now?" Our discussion led to the conclusion that when I journal, I write the truth. The honest truth. It tends to shed things into a light that I don't necessarily want to see or hear myself say. We realized there are no boundaries in personal journaling. Thus, when there are certain things I am going through that I am having a hard time dealing with, or there's just SO much going on that I can't even keep track of it all, I sometimes will not write in my journal.
Blogging, on the other hand, allows us to express ourselves in a manner that gets an emotion or thought out, while having the boundary of having others read it. This means we are still writing it in a manner that is true - but without the ugly, honest, soul baring truth we can't endure. Essentially, blogging gets the job done when journaling cannot.
However, I will admit that once I finally break that barrier and just start journaling about everything, it's so good and cathartic and I eventually have no problem. But it's just breaking that barrier and starting to journal again that is the problem. I think maybe blogging is a good first step.
Anyways, you guys probably don't care. But I had to blog it out.
Maybe I can journal now.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Things I learned about TV while being sick

So I randomly woke up and needed to puke several times early Saturday morning. So that resulted in me being very sick for the day and having nothing to do but lay on my couch for at least 10 straight hours to avoid the waves of nausea that happened every time I moved. This is what I learned while watching TV for way too many hours:
1) The British Office is on at 4 a.m. on Cartoon Network. I don't find it funny when I'm healthy. I need closed captions to understand their thick accents. And I don't find it funny when I'm ill, either.
2) At 6 a.m. when I'm feeling like death, I will watch anything - even the black and white movies on TCM with my father. It also helped me fall asleep every now and then.
3) The children of today are missing out with today's version of "saturday morning cartoons". I mean, seriously. No Doug? No Recess? Just some dumb Disney shows I've already
seen on the Disney channel and don't feel like watching again. There is no reason for kids to wake up early on Saturday mornings.

4) I got really excited that the old school Mighty Morphin Power Rangers show was at least on, but okay...what the heck? I had no recollection of when the power rangers would start fighting that words would fly up describing it. For instance, if Billy does a flip, the words "FLIP!" came on the screen. HAHA. That show is weird. I actually realized that I never really liked the Power Rangers; my brother did. The only reason I watched that show was because I wanted the Pink Ranger to hook up with the Red Ranger. I still do. I really wish I hadn't fallen asleep halfway through because I wanted to laugh at it more, but couldn't.
5) Apparently there is nothing good on TV on Saturday afternoons except sports. Because the UD game was very exciting and nothing else on kept me entertained. Thank God for Hulu.
6) Ratatouille on the Disney Channel reminded me how much I love that movie. It has a wonderful soundtrack to put me to sleep and is lovely to wake up to. I've decided I want to be a food critic like that creepy guy on there, Anton Ego. He has a typewriter. :)