One of today's tweets from CCN involved Craig's list and a kidney. Now I've heard of people using Craig's List to meet new lovers, to find roommates, to find jobs or find a couch. But never had I heard of someone using it to find a kidney. However, that is exactly what these girls did for their father who was in desperate need of a kidney. The awesome part is the dad did get a kidney thanks to Craig. Who knew?
It's making me wonder how else I could use Craig. Like, if I asked for a lunch, could someone provide?

Speaking of lunch, I didn't get one today. So I resorted to the vending machine. The vending machine is funny, because it provides these green stickers that say what is a "healthy" choice. Now, I know healthy, and there was nothing that healthy in there. In fact, I decided to find out what Weight Watchers thought of my snack, so I took my "healthy" choice bag of chips made with "real vegetables" (as opposed to fake veggies?) and asked Weight Watchers how many points these chips were going to cost me. Keep in mind that for my size and weight, I should technically only have 19 points in a day. A snack like this should be only 2 points. My bag of healthy chips? 5 points. Pssh. I ought to sue that vending machine.
That's So Shway
I love people that spend time to blog about ridiculous things. And that's what this girl did. She blogged about the most popular photos guy put up of themselves on Facebook. It's genius. Check it out:
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