If I believed in horoscopes and such- which I don't - I'd probably believe being born on the same day means something - but it doesn't. However, Dr. Seuss and I share a birthday today and I've always felt that was special. I love Dr. Seuss. I love how he was able to keep pressing on and asking people to publish his ridiculous rhyming books. I mean, he almost didn't. He almost gave up. But a friend got him to try one more time and he finally got his books published. And look where he is today. Dead. No, just kidding. I mean, look at how popular his books are today. I went around to preschoolers reading classic Dr. Seuss books and the kids loved it. It was awesome. The school also had Dr. Seuss birthday cake, which was amazing because I got birthday cake in the morning - that's a first for me, but definitely not my last. Anyways, it was cool to be apart of Read Across America. If there's anything I'm passionate about, it's about getting kids to read.
That's So Shway
It's my birthday. 'Nuff said. No, not really. I was born on a leap year. I was almost born on Feb. 29. Can you imagine? I'd be, like, celebrating my fourth birthday today or something. Ha. Also, in the 20th century, the year I was born has the most roman numerals. Thanks Wikipedia for that fun fact.
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