About a week or two ago, for the very first time in my 20 some odd years on earth, I dreamt that I died.
Or at least, I think I died. It's hard to say, because as soon as I was supposed to be dead, my dream played out as though I didn't. It was like one of those "Choose Your Own Adventure" books where you get to the point where the character dies, so you go back to the previous page and change it so they don't. Anyways, I died on the highway, which isn't odd considering I used to be scared of driving the highway when I first got my license. In my dream, I was on this entrance ramp and the ramp continued going up and up and it was more like a ridiculous roller coaster. And suddenly I could see myself from a distance (It was like on Mario 64 where you could change the camera angles) and I saw the car in front of me lose control and so I did too. So my car falls off the ramp and then I just fall out of the car, knowing as I fell through the air that I was going to die when I landed in the forest below me. So I pulled out my cell and as I'm free falling (it was a long fall) I text "love you" to my mom before I died. It was the most I could text before I died, I guess. T9 only helps you so much.
Then before waking up, I had my alternative dream where I was telling everyone about my experience and how I didn't die, but "Wasn't it nice I texted my mom?" and then saying, "Now that I think about it I wished I had time to text _______ too and tell him I loved him." I won't reveal that person's name.
I always get really confused when I dream about loving certain people that I don't love in real life. At least, I don't THINK I feel like that towards the certain someone.
Anyways, so the dying thing wasn't so bad, fyi. I mean, if you have time to text your mom first, how bad can it be?
That's So Shway
It always amazes me when people have the patience to do these kind of things.
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