Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Life Without Social Networking

A recent letter from Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook declaring the recent growth of his famous social networking site shared that soon new changes will be coming to Facebook. I'm telling you now, Facebook Users, so I don't have to hear your complaining status crap later. Because let's face it, Facebook users hate the changes at first, create a million groups declaring hatred toward Zuckerberg's changes, and then eventually completely forget what Facebook used to be like.
Anyways, in my cranky, "I've got a stuffy nose" mood, I thought to myself and tweeted how I will stop Facebooking if Suckerberg keeps changing. For one thing, I get tired of statuses talking about the changes (That's why I tweet my Facebook complains. HA.) and for another thing, the changes just get tiring in general for me.
Then I noticed a few of my friends tonight were tweeting their growing hatred toward Twitter.
And I got to thinking about how maybe we've all just got the social networking blues and maybe we all just need a break.
And then I got to REALLY thinking and I got to wondering what would happen if all my friends stopped social networking. What if there was no Facebook. No Twitter. No MySpace for you weirdos that still use it frequently.
And I smiled. Seriously. Alone in my room and I smiled at the thought of no more social networking.
Here's what would happen...
  • My cell phone would ring way more often.
  • Face to face interaction would have twice the value.
  • Running into someone would have a purpose. You'd no longer have that awkward, "Oh yeah, I know already. I saw your status update a few days ago."
  • If you wanted to know how someone was doing, you would have to ASK instead of just seeing what lyrics they had put up lately reflecting their mood.
  • People would probably use photo albums again because you couldn't just stalk all their photos on Facebook albums.
  • The amount of gossip would probably decrease significantly as its harder to get it around by word of mouth without the sites.
  • People would have to actually eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner with me in order to know what I look like when I stuff food in my mouth, rather than just see the ridic photos I tweet. HA.
Oh man. It'd be great.
But it won't happen. And it's okay. I'll admit that I am a social networking addict. I don't like to go more than a day without checking up on everyone. It's convenient. It's fun. And it's easy in a very chaotic world to lose touch with people and social networking helps us keep in touch and encourage one another.
However, it was a nice thought. A life without social networking. Gee, that was like...ten years ago.

PS. Fun fact. I was "labeling" this post and when I typed in Facebook and Twitter it automatically guessed and linked my labels. It didn't recognize MySpace. Oh snap.

Also. Any other thoughts on what our world would be like if we all stopped social networking?

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